Crossroads GO is a private referral network of decision-makers & business leaders.

Crossroads GO provides it’s members with opportunities to make money through their networks. We provide win-win-win opportunities, letting companies & Crossroads members benefit through referrals..

CrossroadsGO depends on the quality of it’s network to facilitate deal-making.

In addition, we are developing technology to track deal-making and trust building, all while providing our members with thought-leading events & content to help navigate these turbulent times.


In most cases a member can make introductions to a given program partner as many times as they’d like.

Yes. And this is encouraged.

You self-select from the set of programs that are available and choose which programs you feel can make sense for you to make thoughtful warm introductions. Each program description will provide the listed criteria to help you refine to the appropriate target audience for that program.


For each program you wish to make referrals for –

Step 1: Submit Your Referrals & Get Approvals

From the Paying Opportunities section inside the Member Area, click on the opportunity’s link that will take you to that specific program’s landing page where you will find plenty of helpful details to understand the opportunity. Each program will have a link to it’s respective short warm introductions form.

Fill out the form and submit it. This part should only take at most a minute or so.

Step 2: Upon approval, coordinate a first meeting with us for the program partner.

Once a successful first meeting has taken place, you will get credit for all downstream program activities for each referral you brought to the table.

You do not need to be involved with the sales process. Our team in conjunction with our program partners’ sales teams will take it from there and manage the process.

We respect that your time is valuable and we do not want your trading time for money.

You will get updated about the statuses of your referrals.

Upon conversion to a client, you will be compensated according to the specific terms of that program.


We want to support and empower you as an influencer within the framework and spirit of our win-win-win model for all-around success.

We understand and appreciate these important roles in the ecosystem and want you to be a part of our version of ‘The Future of Income’.

We want to give wings to those who put themselves out there as Networkers and Influencers.

That said, there are some rules and mostly guidelines that are intended to align properly and sustainably.

We start with the spirit of the law. In general, always play nicely and take the high road. Lead with reputation. Please be informed and understand what we are all about. Let’s keep it real.

As Crossroads GO we are positioned neutrally, meaning we do not promote opinions of politics, religions, countries, genders, sports teams or any other polarizing divisions. We have a humanitarian purpose.

Quality first, as this is a a top tier reputation-based solution to support those in the relationship business.

We have an anti-gamification policy.
Gaming or arbitrage activities are not acceptable.

If you are unsure if what you are doing is legitimate or questionably ethical then
a) it might not be the right fit and
b) you are welcome to inquire with us as to best practices or discuss how you may want to engage.